TICK treatment - dogs and cats? - tick bites in cats
Has anyone else confirmed with the vet?
I confirmed with my training and the second time that I have at this point. Someone has deleted my previous post on this topic. This is a serious matter.
I have a question before bite by a tick on my dog and cause irritation. As I read many similar questions, if the state response to a dog "contract was not bitten."
The correct answer should be "bitten by the dog. Mark, which is not 100% effective repellent. Ticks always get in the animal world and even bite at a time. The treatment against ticks and kill them. My dog has a tick particularely elastic and managed buried around the meat before his death. He was treated in 2 1 / 2 weeks ago.
So for everyone in the community of owners of dogs and cats, here is a heads-up. However, you should check their animals for ticks.
My dogs are treated with Frontline, but still occasionally cross, true, do not tick off, you can always bite, but when you start the first line to kill them. I want the tick as soon as I find, rather than waiting until they fall to attract. Less risk of infection of the tick.
My dogs are treated with Frontline, but still occasionally cross, true, do not tick off, you can always bite, but when you start the first line to kill them. I want the tick as soon as I find, rather than waiting until they fall to attract. Less risk of infection of the tick.
Things like Frontline and other treatment of poisoning their dogs in the blood (Poiso against ticks and fleas - no dogs), the treatment is not repulsive, but a way to kill parasites, your dog when you eat them die! But strange to ride to live!
Yes, indeed.
However, he qualifies for some time. All owners of pets are pesticides, so that mistakes, of course, seek shelter.
We have 2 cats and a dog. Everyone is allowed outdoors. Everyone will be treated per month (every 3 weeks in the warmer months) with Frontline. When they allowed to play out, and since I live in a very rural and squirrels, rabbits, deer and other wild animals that come and go here all the time, I use a tablet called Capstar if they nest in a single chip. The Capstar is safe enough for everyday use. It is almost immediately, within 5 minutes, the chips are dead!
I began taking garlic powder in food is my miniature schnauzer. I read that with the contribution that the fact of garlic to ward off insects, before the animal. I have not the right concentration and I think goingn with the vet on our next visit to talk and get an idea about the concentration and dosage of garlic Suppliment.
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